Digital Learning Day Choice Boards

Choice Boards are being offered to you and your child so your student has the ability to continue to learn, even when school is not in session, due to weather or other situations. Choice Boards will initially be sent home in your child’s folder; we will also post them on here on our school website. In the event that you do not have direct access to the internet, you may visit public sites such as local restaurants or the library.

Choice Boards are designed by the teachers of BPS so that learning can occur in a meaningful and engaging way. Every day your child will complete any 2 activities from the board. Each activity should take no longer than 10-15 minutes.  In addition, your child needs to read (if applicable) every day for a minimum of 20 minutes. 

You may contact your child’s teacher through whatever messaging tool you have been using this year. An example of this is Class Dojo, which many teachers at BPS use. The hours that you may contact the teachers through this messaging device should you need help or have questions are from 8 a.m - 12 p.m. and then 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.

In addition, modified grade level choice boards, speech/language and fine/gross motor activities will be made available as well.

Effective April 6, 2020: Please see updates from your child's teacher via Class Dojo and Google Classroom to see updated Digital Learning Day assignments.

In the event of a digital learning day, please click below to find applicable choice board(s) for your BPS student: 

Pre-K Choice Board 

Modified Pre-K Choice Board 

Kindergarten Choice Board

Modified Kindergarten Choice Board

1st Grade Choice Board

Modified 1st Grade Choice Board

2nd Grade Choice Board

Modified 2nd Grade Choice Board

Join Mrs. Groves Speech/Language Corner Google Classroom with the class code: yyxcqcl   
See choice boards below:
Language:  Choice Board
Speech: Choice Board

Fine/Gross Motor Skills Choice Boards: 
Fine and Gross Motor Skills Google Classroom Class code:   awwfloy
Choice Board 1
Choice Board 2
Choice Board 3

Social Skills At Home

Horizon Choice Boards: Click here

Other Helpful Documents and Videos:

Choice Board Parent Log

Google Classroom Tutorial Video

Clever Login Video Tutorial

10 Digital Learning Guidelines for Catoosa County Public School Parents

Lexia Tutorial

Lexia Parent Letter 

Non-Screen activities you can do at home

Emotional Health Activities for Home

The Parents' Guide to Google Classroom

BPS Email Addresses

All BPS faculty and staff can be reached throughout the day using the following email addresses:

BPS Staff

Student Clever Account

Student Login: lunch #

Password:  6 digit birthday

(Students can access Dreambox and  Lexia through this login)

Use this link and scan your QR code or enter login and password:

Clever Login

Student Google Account 

Student Login: 3 initials + lunch #

Password:  6 digit birthday

(Students can access their Google Drive, Google Classroom, and GMail  by logging in to their Google account)

Use this link and login in the top right corner:

Google Login



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