BPS Cafeteria

Elementary School Meal Prices


Student Full Price$1.40

Student Reduced Price $.30

Visitor (Adult) $3.00

Visitor (Child) $2.00

Student Full Price$3.05

Student Reduced Price $.40

Visitor (Adult) $4.55

Visitor (Child) $3.80

Milk $ .75 Orange Juice $ .50 Special Event Meals (Parent Lunches, etc.) $5.00

Cafeteria Policies

  • Lunch and breakfast money should be given to the cafeteria cashier. You may pay in advance by the week, month, or longer.
  • Please put money in an envelope and write on the outside of the envelope the child's name and the amount enclosed for breakfast and for lunch.
  • Checks are accepted. Please put a current phone number on all checks.
  • Please do not put snack money on the check with lunch and breakfast money.
  • Breakfast and lunch money can be combined in one check.
  • If you have more than one child, you may combine their breakfast and lunch money in one check. Please list all children's names on the check if it is for more than one child.
  • Please do not combine payment for food services with other school payments.
  • Catoosa County Public Schools also offers an online pre-pay system. Click here for information.
  • PARENTS need to pay for student meals until they receive a free/reduced approval letter. This can take up to 7 days.
  • The free/reduced lunch application can be filled out outline at www.lunchapplication.com.

School Nutrition Program

Did you know that the lunches served at school offer a choice of five vegetables and fruits EVERY DAY from which your student may select up to FOUR? AND...did you know that every week lunches are planned so that at least two orange vegetables, two green vegetables, and two legumes are offered, while starchy vegetables are limited? To learn more how vegetables are categorized, "Google" the word "MyPyramid" on the internet and then select "Inside the Pyramid" (left side). When the Pyramid pops up, click on the green site for vegetable categories. Selecting other colors on the Pyramid will allow you to check out information for other food categories.

School lunches and breakfasts are planned to provide nutritious meals for your student and are incorporating recommendations from MyPyramid. They are the "Best Bargains in Town!"

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