After School Program (ASP)

                                          Enrollment Information

                                                                           2024-2025 School Year
                                   Print Enrollment Form Here & Return with Payment Prior to using ASP

                                                                           FAQ and Parent Information is HERE

Purpose: The Battlefield Primary After School Program, as an extension of the regular school day, provides educational opportunities for students after school hours. The safe and caring environment is intended to meet the needs of students who would otherwise be home alone after school. 

Philosophy: Our ASP supports and encourages the social, emotional, and physical development of each child. Activities include supervised outdoor play, snacks, art, tech time, reading and educational activities. 

Enrollment: Complete front and back of an enrollment form for each child and return it to the school along with a $5.OO non-refundable registration fee. Registration form and $5.00 enrollment fee must be received PRIOR to using ASP services, per County guidelines. 

Hours: ASP is open from at 3:00 until 6:00 p.m. Monday-Friday when school is in session. ASP entrance is located at the back of the school by the gym entrance.  Students may NOT be picked up from ASP before 3:00. We are not open during in-service or inclement weather days. ASP will not be held on days when school closes early for inclement weather.  

Fees: Parents are charged for ASP by the hour. For families with more than one child in BPS, ASP charges will be full price for the first child and each additional child will be a discounted rate of $2.25 per hour. Current rates are as follows:  

2:30 – 3:30      $4.50 
3:31 – 4:00       $6.75
4:01 - 4:30       $9.00 
4:31 – 5:00       $11.25 
5:01 – 5:30       $13.50 
5:31 – 6:00*     $15.75 

The ASP program receives no county or state funding and we are fully funded by the participants. Accounts must be paid on a weekly basis and kept current in order to sustain funds for payroll, supplies, etc. Parents are billed weekly each Thursday and are expected to pay in full on Friday. Students with an outstanding balance will not be allowed to attend ASP on Monday and may be suspended from the ASP program. Parents may pay ahead of time and keep a credit on their accounts to cover fees. Your weekly statements will reflect the charges incurred and your updated balance. Many parents find this helpful. 
In the case of returned checks, BPS is a member of Envision Payment Solutions (check amount & $30 fee will be collected through this agency). If we have two returned checks, parents will be required to pay in cash for the remainder of the school year. 
 *Students picked up AFTER 6:00 p.m. will incur a charge of $2.00 per minute per child in addition to the hourly rate. 

**Failure to pay any fees will result in termination of participation in the program.**

Other notes:  
Invoices will be emailed weekly and are expected to be paid as soon as the bill is received. A paper copy will be sent home, if an email address is not listed.  Weekly bills include charges and payments from Thursday through the following Wednesday. Failure to pay for ASP weekly will result in withdrawal from the ASP program until the balance is paid in full. You must pay on a daily basis if your child is on the suspended list for two consecutive weeks and will remain on pay daily until the end of the school year. 
 Battlefield Primary 
After School Program Rules 
Parent Copy 
All students enrolled in ASP deserve a safe and nurturing after school environment. Students are expected to follow ALL rules at ALL times. However, we understand that it can be a long day for students and problems may occasionally arise. Every effort will be made to give students having difficulty an opportunity to try a new setting/activity. However, if students have significant behavior difficulties while in ASP, they will be disciplined in a routine manner following school wide discipline procedures (Refer to school handbook). If inappropriate behaviors result in 3 or more writes up, students may be suspended from the ASP program. Any behavior that inflicts intentional harm to any students or staff will result in immediate suspension from ASP. 
Please go over the following rules and expectations with your student, so that you will both have an understanding of the expectations of our program! 
At All Times: 
Be respectful to teachers and students. 
Obtain permission from a teacher before leaving an assigned area. 
Walk from one activity to another. 
Respect school property. 
Snack Time: 
There is to be NO talking during check in time. 
Use good manners, stay seated, and talk quietly during snack time. 
Keep snack area clean. 
Activity Time: 
Maintain an ‘inside voice’ 
Use equipment properly 
Clean up and put things away where you got them 

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