Resources for Parents & Families
Our school is committed to equipping our families with the information and resources they need to ensure that they can actively engage in their child's academic success. The benefits of being a Title I school include the employment of a Parent Involvement Coordinator (PIC) and the hosting of a dedicated space for families, our Family Resource Center. The BPS PIC is Amber Barnes and she is available to help our families navigate our Title I program and become fully engaged in the education process. Please take advantage of the various books, brochures, online links, and additional resources in this section and in our Family Resource Center or reach out to our Parent Involvement Coordinator for additional information.
Family Resource Center
BPS Title I Newsletters
CCPS District Title I Newsletter
The Parent Institute Digital Library
Parent Portal for Parents
Lexile Information for Parents
Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE) Parent Engagement Program for Parents
GA State School Grades Report Card for BPS
School Acronyms for Parents
Obtain a GED or High School Equivalency certificate
Community Events and Resources